Sunday, November 12, 2006

Running Calls

I'm back online now - but on dial-up for now, so it's taking a bloody age to load my web pages.

Running calls are quite rare. This is where we come across an accident or somebody laying in the street etc without being called to them. Sometimes we're already on the way to a call, in which case, we get cancelled down and left to deal with the running call, while another ambulance (probably the one that was coming to the call we've stumbled across) gets sent on our call.

This week, we've done two running calls on two consecutive days, and both were RTAs. The first one happened right next to us. We were on our way back to the ambulance station after dropping a patient off at hospital when a car knocked a motorcyclist off his bike - with an almighty bang. I told control we'd got a running call, and where it was so they could send the police for us. Fortunately, it was right outside the fire station, so we had plenty of extra pairs of hands to help us. Thanks lads.

We were in the middle of dealing with the patient when the MDT (computer) in the ambulance started ringing. At first I assumed control had been trying to get hold of us on the radio, and getting no response (cos we were busy) sent a message down the MDT for us. We ignored it and carried on. We collared and boarded the motorcycle rider, splinted his broken arm, and with the help of the fire boys, lifted him onto our trolley and loaded him onto the ambulance.

It was then we were able to pause for breath and have a look at the MDT. It was a job. Our job. It was given as "RTA motorcyclist lying on floor, LAS on scene". I looked at the time the call had started. We'd been on scene and dealing with the rider for more than 2 minutes before the call started. Why do people do this? Why call the ambulance service to tell them there's an ambulance dealing with an accident? Barmy.

The rider turned out to be very lucky - with just his broken arm. We'd been concerned about his pelvis as he was complaining of pain in the bottom of his back and hips, but the x-ray showed it was all ok.

Our second running call was again on our way back from hospital. It was a 9 year old girl who had been riding her friend's bike, lost control of it, and gone into the road right in front of a lorry travelling at 30mph. Don't ask me how, but she got away with only a few cuts and bruises. Another very very lucky person, and extremely brave. The lorry driver was an emotional wreck, as you might imagine. There'd been absolutely nothing he could do. Even the girl's mum said that and comforted the driver while we looked after her daughter.

I hope we carry on finding the lucky ones....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a coincidence; yesterday morning my motorcycling best mate was forced off the road by some idiot in a van who didn't stop, didn't even see him. He hit a high verge at about 30 mph and saved his bike from damage by heroically throwing his leg under it, breaking his ankle in the process.

What's the first vehicle to pull up? A rapid response vehicle on the way to another job.

11:11 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The job you got sent might have been someone in Control typing it up, rather than someone actually ringing in. Some desks show the ambulance as unavailable when it's dealing with a running call, others like to send a ticket down the MDT. Look on the bright side, it must have boosted your ORCON no end!

1:49 am  

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